We did an investigation, there our parents was answering on some questions about alcohol, smoking, hobbies and food. There was questions about how it was when they was young and now.
We came up that most of the things was pretty similar now and how it was before.
Before they drunk most beer. We think it's because beer is cheaper and more available to get.
Now adults drink most wine. We think it’s because it’s taste good and it’s more fancy. Now they drink it most at home and sometimes at parties. Before they usually just drink at parties. Before they just drunk to have fun but now they more drink because it’s taste good and to socialise with each other.
But except for that is the rest of the things pretty the same. They began to drink almost at the same age. They drink like the same much and the same often.
The smoking part was also pretty similar before and now. Like most of our parents thought that people start/tried to smoke for the first time at age between 15-20 years. Now they think that people start/try for the first time when they are in high school, so it's almost like the same age when people starts to smoke before and now. But it was also some things that was different. The parents said that before it was as many women as men who smoked. But now they say that it's most women who smoke, and almost every one of the parents said that people smoke more in the past.
It is about as common for people to practice a sport now as before. In Sweden was football the most common sport and football is still a popular sports in Sweden. But I think also that handball is one of the most popular sports now. It was as many women as men who practise sports in the past. Before did everyone do sports as a hobby and I think it's most of the time the same now also.
People eat as many meals now as before and about the same food. Dinner was the main meal of the day before and now and they eat it at home. Before it wasn't so usual to eat junk food, now is it a little more common for people to eat junk food. Before did most of our parents eat at restaurants once a year and some eat at restaurants once a month. Now do most of our parents eat at restaurants once a month and some people even eat once a week. So that means that people eat at restaurants more often now than before.
Elsa Innings